Sometimes life happens. You may plan out the meals you’re going to make for the week and then completely change the menu so that you can feature one spice that you came across while doing some shopping after a Sunday brunch.
In case you were wondering, I’m describing my situation. I went out to brunch with some friends exactly one week ago at a restaurant called Driftwood in Raleigh.
The brunch was fabulous. They do a brunch buffet which is a win for anyone who has trouble deciding on a dish at restaurants (raises hand – ooo me, me!).
The food was delicious and the interior of the restaurant was so charming. If you live in the area or happen to be visiting, you should definitely check it out.
Side note: Between the Olde Pink House and Driftwood I’m on a roll for picking some amazing restaurants.
Driftwood happens to be in this little outdoor plaza/shopping center that also has a spice shop.
One of my friends knew about it and suggested we pop in. Considering I had heard about the shop before and wanted to drop by, I was definitely game.

The best part about the shop is that you get to smell and taste virtually every spice they have. So naturally, I did. As I made my way through the store, I came across the barbecue and grilling section and laid my eyes on one spice in particular – Georgia Boys All Purpose BBQ rub. I looked at it for a second and something in me said this one will be special. Maybe Savannah was still subconsciously on my mind, or maybe I’m a spice whisperer. Whatever it was, I’m glad for the instinct.
The spice was other worldly. The first words out of my mouth were oh my God. I then preceded to taste it two more times to have a measure of scientific certainty that it was as amazing as the first time. It was. I then preceded to call my friends over to taste it and they carried out the exact same steps as I had confirming my initial findings. This stuff is heavenly. I plan to put it on everything, just everything. E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!
To start with, I kept it simple and used it for baked chicken and roasted sweet potatoes. It was such an incredibly flavorful yet simple meal.
I also bought some black onyx chocolate sugar. If the Georgia boys spice was heavenly, this was devilish. It was sinfully good. I’m not even going to cook with it. I just plan to sprinkle it on hot desserts (think Trader’s Joes mini churros), baked goods, and ice cream.
You’ll be seeing a recipe with the BBQ rub pretty soon, so be on the lookout.
Happy Sunday!
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