Hi Guys! Happy Monday:)
We’ve managed to make it to another week. *Insert applause.* Got any exciting plans?
My week will primarily involve coder training for my dissertation. I know it doesn’t sound super exciting, but it’s the last big hurdle that I have to clear in conducting my research. I’ll be holding the first one on Wednesday, and I’m praying that everything goes smoothly so that I can stay on track with my May graduation timeline. I swear that a mixture of excitement, stress, and anxiety is my default emotional state these days.
Now. I could twiddle my thumbs and play coy about what’s happened in the past few days, but I’d rather not. So let’s just go ahead and address the elephant in the room.
The inauguration. Did anybody watch it?
I didn’t. I made a conscious decision not to. I wasn’t interested in witnessing this exchange of power because of the particular hands in which power was being placed. On a side note, I have indulged in the countless Michelle Obama side eye memes because they are amazing. It’s crazy how differently I felt in 2009 and 2013. You couldn’t pull me away from inaugural coverage.

Needless to say this past Friday was hard for me (as was the whole weekend and arguably the next four years).
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