Happy Monday Guys! It’s March so spring is upon us, but it’s not here quite yet. The weather has been in the 70’s for a little bit, but it’s come back down to the low 60’s which is fine with me. I’m not ready for 70+ degree weather now. Let’s ease into it.
How was your weekend? Mine was pretty good. I switched up a part of my weekend routine and it felt amazing. I’m going to try it again over the next couple of weekends, and if it still feels that good I’ll make a permanent switch. If I do, I’ll share the details later. Pinky promise.
Besides that I managed to get some things done (grocery shopping, meal prepping, decor shopping), while putting off some other things (working on a R&R; finishing a book). It’s all good though. That’s what weekdays are for.
This week I’m going to work on that R&R with some people at UNC (fingers crossed it gets accepted); reach out to my advisor to catch up; continue to stalk a sleeper sofa online that I want that I’m hoping the price will come down on; and maybe, just maybe take a peek at some course papers from UNC to see if they have publication potential.I realized that the end of this month will bring the end of the first quarter of 2018. It’s crazy to think how quickly 2018 is moving. I was thinking about the goals that I set for myself this year, and while there’s definitely room for improvement (there always is), I’ve made a lot of progress toward quite a few of my goals. Reflecting on this has been beneficial, because it provides motivation for me to keep making progress.
How are you all faring on your 2018 goals? Which goals have you made the most progress on? What areas do you feel you need to focus on more? Any systems that have or haven’t been working for you? I want to hear from you so comment below!
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