Spring will officially be here tomorrow. I’m looking forward to sunny skies and 70 degree weather. Luckily we got a sneak preview over the weekend.
Aside from the weather, this weekend was a good one. I finally signed up for a gym on Saturday, and went for my first workout on Sunday. I know it took forever but good things take time! I’m looking forward to continuing to make progress on my health/fitness goals this year, and I feel like this is one of the last pieces of the puzzle.I also got my nails done since it had been a while and I wanted a fun spring color. A good mani always my lifts my spirits and these past couple of weeks have been crazy to say the least.
I haven’t gone into it here or on social media but there’s been work stress and personal life stuff that happened all at the same time. My main priority has been to keep my head down and my spirits high. The mani helped.
Honestly, some times it’s the little things that make a difference. I’m a firm believer in this and it helped me get through grad school. Grab onto happiness where you can whether it’s a mani, a cute outfit, a massage, or a good book. Life is tough, but you can strategically plant little happiness stations throughout it by making time for things you enjoy.Now let’s talk fashion for a moment. With spring here we can start shedding those winter layers. The tricky part is the 40 degree temperature ranges. It can start off in the 40’s and end up in the 70s. An outfit like this is a nice compromise. A light sweater to keep you warm, paired with a pencil skirt, and naked sandals. As the weather warms up you can roll up the sweater sleeves if need be, but if you work indoors you’ll probably be fine. The top and sandals are from Forever 21 and the skirt which I instantly gravitated toward is from ASOS. Love it.
What are some of the things you to do to counteract stressful times? I’m always looking for new ideas!
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