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Encouraging Words: “Your Past is a Learning Tool”

December 10, 2013

There are a lot of changes getting ready to take place in my life, and as exciting as it all is it’s also a little scary. Change makes me reflective, so I’ve been spending more time lately thinking about my life. Generally, I’ve been thinking about the goals that I’ve set for myself (personally and professionally), and the relationships I have with people.Instead of harping on the negative or what I perceive to be as “mistakes” in my past, I’m choosing to appreciate them as life lessons. I’m looking at how I can change my thoughts, my words, and my actions, so that history doesn’t repeat itself. It’s much more helpful to view your past in this way. You’re not dwelling on the negative or bothered by it, you’re just learning and growing from it.Here are some lessons I’ve learned from my past:Put yourself out there (be a bit more extroverted). While it seems scary, I think it’s doable. It just involves sharing a little bit more of yourself (your sense of humor, your smile, your interests) with the world. Introverts are incredible people (and I speak as one), but we tend to be more guarded, and as a result I think we can miss out on some amazing opportunities.

Speak your truth (your morals, beliefs, values, etc). Whatever your truth is, speak it and own it. In a society obsessed with followers, likes, and retweets, we sometimes stop speaking our truth because it’s not popular opinion. We feel like we have to fit into a box or use a specific formula to be accepted. Well, who cares?! Speak your truth because someone out there is going to be able to relate to it, and could probably benefit from it. Also, it’s very powerful when you can stand up and say this is who I am and make no apologies for it.

Have more faith in yourself. Whether it’s translating your passion for baking into a dessert shop, becoming a medical doctor, or designing a clothing line, believe that these aren’t just pipe dreams, but they are goals that through hard work and determination can actually manifest.

Use your past as a learning tool. I hope you all have a fabulous week!


Developing Your Inspiration Stream

September 9, 2013

We all need to be inspired, which is why having an inspiration stream is such a good idea. What exactly is an inspiration stream? Great question! An inspiration stream is a collection of sources (read: anything) that you can turn to for inspiration. Yes I made that up. The idea is that you don’t have to go on a hunt to find things that inspire you when you need inspiration most. You can turn to the sources in your inspiration stream and let inspiration find you. Developing an inspiration stream is as simple as taking note of the people, places, sights, and smells that inspire you and nurture your creativity. You can keep this list on your phone, iPad, or whatever the latest techno gadget is so it’s always with you and can be easily updated when you find new sources. To help you get started crafting your own inspiration streams, I’ll share a few things on my list.

Inspiration can come in the most unlikely places or forms. These are a just a few items that I’ve come across that I’ve found to be fun and inspirational.
Some of the sources in my inspiration stream:
Long solo drives – I love the time alone to think about my future, specific goals I have, and ideas for pieces that I want to write.
Sitting outside on a sunny day – There’s something about a perky blue sky that gets me excited. Possibilities seem endless and the world seems like a happier place.
Music – I imagine this is a source of inspiration for many people. Music is so powerful. It can get us moving, change our mood, and restore faith. This is a pretty broad source but there are a few songs I immediately think of like Moon by Emily King or Clocks by Coldplay.
Books – I saw a quote on Pinterest that said “Warning: reading inspires genius” and I completely agree with this. So often when I read, I find myself putting the book aside for a second so I can jot down an idea the book just inspired. No wonder I’m a slow reader!
Do you have an inspiration stream? If so, what are some of the things on your list? Tell me in the comments!



Presenting…Healthy Girl Transformation!

August 28, 2013

Welcome to Healthy Girl Transformation! This blog will be dedicated to my journey to embrace a healthy lifestyle in all of its many forms. It’s been a long time in the making, but I’ve finally mustered up the courage to make my blogging dreams a reality. Starting this blog is a part of my healthy journey. Living healthfully is as much about the physical as it is about the mental and spiritual. For me that includes: pursuing passions, trying new things, reading more, traveling often, having frequent heart to hearts with God, and the list goes on. I wanted to create a space where I could document this journey and share information and lessons learned along the way. Ultimately, I hope this blog inspires people to become the healthiest version of themselves. Here you’ll see everything from fashion posts to book recommendations and healthy recipes. I’ll be sharing with you a little bit of everything, so stay tuned.