
Post-Inaugural Blues

January 23, 2017

Hi Guys! Happy Monday:)

We’ve managed to make it to another week. *Insert applause.* Got any exciting plans?

My week will primarily involve coder training for my dissertation. I know it doesn’t sound super exciting, but it’s the last big hurdle that I have to clear in conducting my research. I’ll be holding the first one on Wednesday, and I’m praying that everything goes smoothly so that I can stay on track with my May graduation timeline. I swear that a mixture of excitement, stress, and anxiety is my default emotional state these days.

Now. I could twiddle my thumbs and play coy about what’s happened in the past few days, but I’d rather not. So let’s just go ahead and address the elephant in the room.

The inauguration. Did anybody watch it?

I didn’t. I made a conscious decision not to. I wasn’t interested in witnessing this exchange of power because of the particular hands in which power was being placed. On a side note, I have indulged in the countless Michelle Obama side eye memes because they are amazing. It’s crazy how differently I felt in 2009 and 2013. You couldn’t pull me away from inaugural coverage.

Needless to say this past Friday was hard for me (as was the whole weekend and arguably the next four years).

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Snack Easy Series # 7

January 16, 2017

Hi Guys! Happy Monday and Happy MLK Day:)

It’s been a few months since I’ve done a Snack Easy roundup so I think we’re long overdue for one.

I didn’t realize it until I had all of the snacks together, but clearly I was going for some kind of tropical theme. I think my subconscious is telling me I need a vacation. Until that time, these tropical treats will have to do. Lucky for me they’re delicious. Read on to find out my thoughts about each one.

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Four-Year “Fit-versary” and 2017 Fitness Goals

January 9, 2017

Hi Guys! Happy Monday:)

We got our first snow of 2017 over the weekend, which means I spent the majority of Saturday and Sunday indoors. I did some cooking (delicious healthy recipe coming your way soon), tried some dulce de leche white chocolate cocoa from World Market (so good!), and continued to chip away at the beast that is my dissertation (eek!). All in all it was a good one. I also ended up getting hooked on the show “This is Us” on USA. I turned there expecting to find a NCIS or SVU marathon, and found a marathon of that instead. I left it on the channel just to have some background noise, and somewhere between episode 2 and 5 they got me. Damn it! I have a small roster of tv dramas that I’m currently watching (The Blacklist, Empire, Scandal, and Lethal Weapon), and I wasn’t prepared to add a new one. Oh well. I really like it. In the series they take you back and forth from past to present. I’ve noticed a lot of my favorite tv dramas do this. It’s like a game of connect the dots.

Now, on to the business of fitness. This month marks my four-year “fit-versary.” Yes, that’s a thing. Since the beginning of January 2013 I have committed to regularly and consistently working out. Three cheers for exercise!

So how have I done it?

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Still Killin’ It

January 2, 2017

Happy New Year Guys!!! I hope 2017 has been nothing but wonderful to you. I’m currently writing this post from my childhood home in SC. It’s gloomy and raining outside, which makes me want to stay huddled up indoors, but I have to leave for NC in a few hours. If you follow me on Instagram you’ll know that I kept pushing back when I’d leave, but I can’t push it back anymore. I’ve got to get back to the business of full-time dissertating (is that really a word) and job-hunting. To be honest, I’m not quite sure how to feel about it all. I’m sad to be leaving, but I’m also excited about what the end of this coming semester will bring, and nervous about what it’s going to take on my part to get there.

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Post-Christmas, Pre-New Years Jitters

December 26, 2016

Hi Guys! Happy Monday:) I can’t believe Christmas has come and gone. I had such a great day. The weather was beautiful and I got to spend quality time with my family, eating good food, playing games, watching tv, and seeing the gorgeous Christmas lights that go up in my hometown each year. I wouldn’t change a thing. I went to bed all smiles but when I woke up this morning the fuzzy holiday feels had dissipated, and I realized that in just a few short days 2017 will be here.

While I’m excited, I’m also feeling pretty overwhelmed. There is so much that has to get done within the next six months. I have to complete my dissertation research, defend it, apply for jobs prayerfully finding the right one, and potentially prepare to move from a place that’s been home for the past two and a half years. I also want to make sure that I’m putting a lot of effort into this blog because I love blogging.

Now I’m not sure what your circumstances are, but if you’re at all like me, you may be wondering, How on Earth am I going to get all of this done?  This mountain before me just seems so insurmountable. In these moments of panic, I usually remember that this feeling isn’t a foreign one. There have been many times in my past where I’ve felt overwhelmed by my circumstances to the point where I just want to crawl under my covers and say wake me when it’s over. Each time though God has given me the strength I need to see the journey through to completion.

I’m counting on that this time around because I know that God is consistent. So while I may remark at the magnitude of the journey that lies ahead, I’ll keep putting one foot in front of the other knowing that God will grant me the strength I need to see the finish line at my feet.


Creative Gifts for the “Creative” in Your Life

December 19, 2016

Hi Guys. Happy Mondayyyy! The extra y’s are intended to convey my excitement that Christmas is less than a week away. This little bit of time we have left is also stressing me out because I haven’t finished all of my Christmas shopping yet. How is it that every year I plan to have my shopping done well in advance of Christmas, but I always manage to cut it down to the wire?? The truth is that some of the people on my list, and likely yours, are much harder to shop for than others.

I’m convinced that the only thing harder than finding a good Christmas gift for a loved one, is finding a good Christmas gift for a loved one who’s a creative. There’s this added pressure to get them something, well, creative. Translation: a gift card just ain’t gonna cut it! To help y’all out (and myself, let’s be honest) I put together this gift-giving guide for that special creative in your life. Read on for some thoughtful and surprisingly budget-friendly gifts. Bonus: most of these items can be found on Amazon or picked up in stores, which means you can get them in time for Christmas day. Score!


Whether they’re a photographer, a style blogger, or a pastry chef, creatives care about producing nice images for their blogs, websites, and/or social media channels. In creating quality images, the backdrops are just as important as the actual items being photographed. Here are some multi-purpose backdrop options that any creative will be able to get good use of:

Marble Wallpaper

The secrets out! Did you really think everyone on Instagram had marble countertops?! Great for the ever popular flatlay or for food photography shots, this marble wallpaper can instantly elevate the look of anyone’s Instagram feed. I just ordered some myself!

Wood Wallpaper

Marble backdrops are great but it’s nice to switch things up. Using a wooded backdrop can help add some rustic charm and earthiness to a photo. These backdrops are also quite popular among food bloggers and chefs.

Brand colors

If you have time for a little DIY project then head to your local Home Depot and pick up a couple pieces of pre-cut plywood. Take these pieces of plywood and paint them in their brand colors. You can get a 2×2 ft piece of plywood from Home Depot for under 6 dollars, and you can go to the paint section and get a sample size of paint to use to paint it for about 3 bucks.

Promoting & Networking

Branded Clothing

Creatives are hustlers and they always have to be thinking about promoting their business or brand. With that being said, what’s better than having them be their own walking billboard. Buy a sweatshirt and have their logo or name printed on it.

Brand/Blog Business Cards

These would come in handy during meetups, conferences, or as they’re starting to work with new clients.

Branded writing & computer accessories

Again when they’re out at a coffee shop, library, or the park, branded accessories can do the talking for them. You can get them branded stickers that they can place on notebooks and folders. You can also get branded pens, laptop cases, and mouse pads.


Since creatives tend to work from home it can be difficult for them to ever officially go “off the clock.” To help them make the most of their off time consider gifting them any one of these items (or all three depending on how generous you’re feeling:)

Mindfulness Book & Coloring Pencils

You’ve probably seen or heard of these “adult coloring books” before. Owning a couple myself I can say that they’re awesome. It’s a great opportunity to take your mind off of whatever it is that you may be obsessing over and transport yourself back to a simpler time when your greatest concern was coloring within the lines.

Lavender-scented neck wrap

This is a great option for people who tend to carry stress or tension in their necks. Since creatives may spend a lot of time sitting at a desk on their computers, this lavender-scented neck wrap may be just the thing they need to relieve any tension. Bonus since its heated, it’s also great for these winter months to keep them nice and cozy.

100% Silk Sleep Mask

Sometimes portrayed as night owls, even creatives need a good night’s sleep. Much cheaper than blackout curtains, these masks can completely block out sunlight so they don’t prematurely awaken from their slumber.

There you have it! I’m sure the creative in your life will really appreciate any of these gifts because it tells them that you care about helping them build their brand, and making sure that they take care of self while doing it.

Hope you all have a great week!


Go Gym-less with Jilian Michaels’ Yoga Inferno

December 12, 2016

Hi Guys. Happy Monday! How was your weekend? Mine was actually pretty nice. I continued to make progress on my dissertation research, and enjoyed a deliciously festive brunch consisting of gingerbread pancakes and some eggnog french toast. I could definitely go for seconds right about now!

We’re finally starting to get some chillier temps here in NC, which I am loving. It’s great for productivity because I just want to bundle up and stay indoors, but it could prove problematic for my exercise habits. Fortunately, I’ve got a solid lineup of indoor workouts thanks to my extensive exercise DVD collection, which brings me to today’s Go Gym-less post. With the temps dropping I want to make sure that you’ve got another great indoor workout in your arsenal to keep the sweat dripping:)

Today we’re talking about Jillian Michael’s Yoga Inferno workout.

Quick & Dirty:

Workout: Jillian Michael’s Yoga Inferno

Areas worked out: total body

Equipment: One of the workouts is weighted. Beginner version calls for no weights and advanced version use 3lbs. (I have a 3 and 5lb weight pictured because I primarily used 5 lbs for the weighted workout but switch to 3 lbs for a couple moves). Other than that there is no equipment

Length: 66 minutes (two, 30-minute workouts)

Fitness Level: Intermediate

Extra Details:

Hardest Part: I find the weighted workout (workout #2) to be the more challenging of the two, but both workouts contain moves that’ll have you feeling like a badass once you’re done with them. You are in plank quite a bit and she has you flow through vinyasas several times throughout both workouts so your arms are getting a lot of love during this one.

Impact: I’d consider this a low impact workout overall since there aren’t any real explosive moves, but there are a couple moves that can be stressful on the joints if you have knee issues (e.g. single leg mountain climbers and jumping lunges). The nice thing is that Jillian does provides modifiers.

Noise level: Jillian describes this as a “yoga hybrid” with the hybrid being yoga and cardio/strength. With that being said there are a few moves where you are jumping (e.g. jumping lunges and squat jumps) but these moves shouldn’t be too noisy, especially if you’re mindful of how you land. When these moves come up though I just move to a different space in my apartment with less sound transfer. Other than these few moves you can be doing this workout and your downstairs neighbor wouldn’t be the wiser.

Music: For this workout I found the music neutral. It felt appropriate and wasn’t distracting so no complaints.

Instructor: Jillian can be a hit or miss for me personality wise depending on the workout. In this one I found her to be totally fine. Her demeanor is much tamer in this one than in some of her other workouts and she’s relatively encouraging throughout. The one thing I will note is that she does move around quite a bit to show you proper form on her fit crew which means she’s not always doing the moves with you.

Stretch: There isn’t a designated stretch at the end of these workouts, since it’s yoga-based and you’re incorporating stretches throughout. There is what I’d call a “guided meditation” at the end where you’re laying on the floor while Jillian’s talking to you but I usually skip it.

Sweat: With this one you’ll definitely be sweating but you won’t be drenched.

Dread Factor: The time goes by pretty quickly in this workout. The moves are challenging but they’re not crazy so I don’t find myself dreading this workout.

Overall I enjoy this workout and would definitely recommend it to those who are looking for a yoga-inspired DVD but with cardio and resistance moves incorporated. I purchased this workout from Amazon for under $10. If you try it (or already have) please tell me what you think!