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Terra Terroir review

Food Style

Peace Out Atlanta

July 28, 2014

I went to dinner last night with some friends at a restaurant called Terra Terroir. I had such a great time. You should check them out if you’re in the Atlanta area. In case you’re interested the cami and the shoes are from Forever 21 and the skirt is from Asos:)

You may have noticed it from some of my previous posts, but I’ll be leaving Atlanta soon. Yes, I know I just got here! Things have been a little hectic these past six months but I’m so grateful for all of the opportunities I’ve received. I had flirted with the idea of doing a PhD program for a while but I wasn’t sure exactly which programs to apply to (public health or communication) or where I wanted to go. As it turns out, not landing a full time position right after graduation was a huge blessing. It gave me time to think about exactly what should come next. When I finally applied to programs, I tried not to have any expectations about the outcomes. I could not have imagined, however, that things would turn out as incredibly as they did. It just provided extra confirmation that I was staying the course.

As a bit of an aside, I want to stress the importance of taking a chance on yourself. Personally, I have to be willing to try things even if I think my efforts will be unsuccessful. This isn’t because I’m supremely confident that things will work out, it’s because I don’t want to be tormented by the unknown. I have to be willing to see things through even if the odds are stacked against me, which they certainly were. These programs say no far more than they say yes. From the very beginning I prepared myself for the reality of a “no,” but I still forged ahead.  I felt like I would be cheating myself if I did not at least try. No risk, no reward.

Here’s to a fabulous week!